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Notable Northamptonians

There are many notable Northamptonians that have worked hard to make the town we live in today a better place.

Various- wood, metal, paint

Political figures such as Charles Bradlaugh, Spencer Perceval and Margaret Bondfield represented Northampton, challenging and changing national politics. Wenman J Bassett-Lowke and Joseph Grose pioneered new developments in industry, creating jobs in the town. Some gave back to the community, such as Lady Wantage donating Abington Park to the townspeople and Mayor Jaswant Singh Bains conducting civic duties for Northampton. Others were highly creative, bringing culture to the town. John Clare wrote poetry, Tom Osborne Robinson designed theatre sets and Malcolm Arnold composed musical scores.
And some, like Alan Carr, have made us laugh.

Northampton People, We are Northampton exhibition