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Sunflowers and Sun-Crossed Sky in the Summer of 1968 by John Bratby

This painting is the work of John Bratby (1928-1992). He is arguably best known for his 1950s scenes of domestic life, when he was a member of the Kitchen Sink School.

His Sunflowers date from a later period of artistic production, when he changed his focus to a wider range of subject matter. His style too changed to a looser, more fluid handling of paint and colour. 

Sunflowers were a very popular subject for the artist, with his wife Patti saying that ’John did 55 sunflower paintings in 18 days’. The choice of subject shows his admiration for Vincent Van Gogh. This is also shown from his use of impasto, thickly applied areas of paint, and bright colours. 

The large sunflowers in full bloom against the sunswept sky encapsulate the benefits of the sun for plant growth and painting.

Oil on canvas
© Julian Hartnoll / Bridgeman Images
Currently in storage and resting after display