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Church Street, Boughton by George Herbert Buckingham Holland

This landscape painting of Church Street in Boughton is by George Herbert Buckingham Holland (1901-1987). Holland, a locally important artist, was one of the founding members of Northampton Town and County Art Society.

Of the 35 works in our collection by Holland the majority are portraits and he was known for working mainly in portraiture. However he excelled in other genres such as landscapes as we see in this artwork. 

This work was painted towards the end of his artistic career. In correspondence between the artist and that painting’s original owner from December 1980, Holland explains some of his intentions behind the picture. In this landscape he was attempting to capture the ‘brilliance of sunlight’ on sandstone buildings and achieved this by suppressing the detail of doors and windows. Concentrating instead on the shadows which emphasised the sunlight.

Oil on board
Reproduced with kind consent of the Executors of G H B Holland
Currently in storage and resting after display