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Northampton Museum and Art Gallery online resources

Northampton Museum and Art Gallery online resources

These resources provide an online window into the physical spaces of Northampton Museum and Art Gallery. They include key objects and collections.

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Hoard of twenty-two groats minted mainly during the reign of King Henry VI (1421-1471). Found by Adrian Claridge with a metal detector and purchased through the Portable Antiquities Scheme. The scheme helps to keep detectorist finds in public collections.

Our collections are full of colourful objects in many shapes and sizes. Cheer your spirits with a selection from our collections, inspired by the use of the rainbow as a symbol of hope and positivity early during the Coronavirus pandemic. Why not create your own object rainbow inspired by your possessions and collections?

Enjoy interacting with our 3D model of a Ichthyosaurus jaw. This model is based on a 3D scan of a fossil from our collection. It dates from the Lower Jurassic, between 201-180 million years ago.

Our curators have been measuring our collections as part of our expansion project to ensure that the new facilities are fit for purpose when moving and displaying our collections. This, and the popular card game Top Trumps, has inspired us to look at our collections in a different way. Find out about some of the biggest, heaviest and oldest objects in our collections. 

Take a tour of the museum’s Eleanor Cross pictures with our art curator. Through the pictures, audio and text we will tour the different styles, mediums and dates of the Eleanor Cross artworks in the art collection.

Wooden double carved bowls.

Understanding our ethnography collections

We worked with Opal22 Arts and Edutainment to better understand our African ethnography collections. The project sought to understand the people that made the objects, what they were used for and how they were created.

 Image link to Oral history collection page.

Oral history collection

Hear voices of past and current Northamptonians. Themes include war, industry and society.

 Image link to Online collections page.

Online collections

Browse our online collections including stunning works of art, and objects from the First World War.