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Thursday morning talks

Image of heads from behind looking at an image of areoplanes on the screen

Thursday 2 May, 16 May, 6 June, 20 June, 4 July, 18 July
10:30am – 12pm
£3 per talk or £15 for the whole series. Includes free tea, coffee and biscuits.
Booking essential

Book a Thursday morning talks series ticket


Thursday 2 May
Spirit Photography
in the Victorian Era
Speaker: Corrine Gretton – West
Find out about the Spirit Photographers from the 1800s that used the Wet Plate Collodion process to create images of ghosts during the rise of spiritualism.

Book a ticket for Spirit Photography


Thursday 16 May
The Underground Railroad -
Patterned Path to Freedom
Speaker: Kay Goddard
The incredible bravery, secrecy, and indomitable endeavours of escaping slaves from the Southern States of America. How stitching quilt blocks helped them to flee to safety in Northern states and Canada. 

Book a ticket for The Underground Railroad - Patterned Path to Freedom


Thursday 6 June
Speaker: Richard Gibbons
D-Day was the name given to the June 6th, 1944, invasion of the beaches of Normandy. A fascinating insight into the build-up to D-Day, the plans for the invasion, landings, the campaign in the Bocage, and the aftermath.

Book a ticket for D-Day

Thursday 20 June
The Last Naval Hero
Speaker: Roy Smart
The extraordinary story of David, 1st Earl Beatty, who rose with meteoric speed from humble Royal Naval Cadet to First Sea Lord and his controversial part in the greatest battle in maritime history. His life in the Shires, marital strife, immense riches, and scandal!

Book a ticket for The Last Naval Hero


Thursday 4 July
Sulgrave Manor
Speaker: Martin Sirot-Smith
Sulgrave Manor and the Washington Family. Meet Lawrence Washington, twice Mayor of Northampton and builder of Sulgrave Manor.

Book a ticket for Sulgrave Manor


Thursday 18 July
Mata Hari - Spy or Scapegoat?
Speaker: Philomena Liggins
In 1917 Mata Hari was executed by the French as a German spy. Though she professed her innocence the British and French authorities thought otherwise. Who was right?

Book a ticket for Mata Hari - Spy or Scapegoat?