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Eleanor Cross study day

Edward I by Dr Andy King

A watercolour painting showing the Northampton Eleanor Cross in the centre of a grass covered mound with trees around and vista in distance

Presentation summary

Andy discussed the husband of Eleanor of Castile, King Edward I. Edward married Eleanor in 1254 and she bore 16 children with him. Andy set the context for Eleanors married life by telling the story of Edward, whose life is much better documented. Discussion included evidence of how Eleanor may have influenced Edward, particularly around financial dealings and also in the architecture of castle building.

Speaker biography

'After an entirely un-remunerative and unremarked career as a musician in a rock band, I had another stab at academia, taking a BA in Medieval Studies at Durham, followed by an MA and Ph.D., supervised by Prof. Michael Prestwich. I subsequently worked on the AHRB-funded research project ‘Chronicles and Society in Northern England in the Fourteenth Century’, again at Durham. I moved to Southampton to work on the AHRC funded research project ‘The Soldier in Late Medieval England’, and stayed as a part-time lecturer. My research centres on late-medieval England and Britain, and covers Anglo-Scottish relations; historical writing and perceptions of the past; the conduct of warfare, and the rules that govern it; chivalry, political culture and attitudes to treason; and castles.'

The Kingship of Edward I - PowerPoint presentation

Dr Andy King and Edward I